All massages last approximately 2 hours although they could exceed this time frame. The massage is about being thorough; so depending on your body's requirements the length may vary. I charge £140 per massage regardless of which one it is or how long it takes. The venue could either be a hotel or your home the choice is yours although you will be required to pay my travel costs. I can either bring a massage bed or use your bed or a hotel bed. I do not travel with towels so if I come to your home you would need to supply them . To make an appointment message me letting me know which massage you want, select from here
and I will get back to you with available time slots and answers to any questions that you may have. Please copy and paste this and insert in the message box with the relevant information:
Your/hotels location so that I can quote you on travel costs:
Which massage you have chosen:
Do you want me to bring my massage bed:
Any questions that you may have: